Planet Green Solutions - Web Design Dubai

Here Are Your Go To UI/UX Trends For 2022

Web Design Dubai - UI UX Trends 2022

2021 is done and dusted. We are halfway through 2022, and it seems like the pandemic has finally started to slow down. But, what has started taking off at jet speed is the changing UI/UX trend. While most of these changing trends stem from our lifestyle changes during the pandemic, the world has now moved beyond that. For the year 2022, the outlook is exciting, especially for UI/UX.

So, buckle up and let us check out some of the latest trends before you hire someone for your web design needs!

Dark Mode

White background comprising of ample white spaces was the talk of the town in 2021. However, the dark theme is now coming back with a bang as the top UI/UX trend for 2022. Although the dark mode isn’t new in the UI/UX domain, more and more websites are now working on integrating a quick toggle between high contrast dark mode and light mode.

Dark themes provide improved visibility, especially when the website is being used by users that are visually impaired. So, make sure you increase your website’s accessibility with the help of a reliable and best web design Company in Dubai.

3D Designs And Animations

Incorporating 3D designs and animations tends to hype up the user interface magnanimously. So, undoubtedly, it is the best UI/UX trend in 2022. This will help your business open up gradually to the visitors, eventually making them loyal to the brand.

3D wallpapers have also transitioned from 2021 to 2022 with some obvious changes. Talking about animation, they used to be a hindrance for most developers and designers due to slow website loading speed and data consumption. However, the implementation of 5G technology has helped with faster data transmission allowing for the implementation of these amazing animations and 3D designs by web design companies.

Better Screen Size & Pixels

Web designers need to create website interfaces that can easily fit different pixels and screen sizes. Apart from the generic breakpoints such as 480px, 1024px, 768px, & 1280px, a web designer should also cater to various wearables and other smart gadgets new to the market.

In 2022, designers need to cater to the needs of different devices and products, starting from AR & VR devices to in-car screens. So, make sure your website can deliver this flawlessly by getting in touch with web design companies in Dubai.

Minimizing Complexity

Just because an application or website has a range of services and features, it doesn’t have to be complex. A complex design can cause the users to be confused & even lead to a massive drop in the user experience.

The year 2022 pushes for the minimization of complexity in apps and websites regardless of the features integrated.

Take Away

While businesses continue to integrate the latest UI/UX features, remember that not every trend will fit your business. Ensure that your website’s UI UX is clean & intuitive to help with the up-scaling of the business in years to come.

With this in mind, it is important to bring on board professionals that can aid your website’s user experience. Upgrade your online presence by hiring web design companies like Planet Green Solutions.

UI UX Trends
UI UX Trends 2022
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web design dubai
PGS Research Team
The PGS Research Team is a group of marketing experts and content creators dedicated to helping businesses grow. With years of experience in marketing and content marketing, we create engaging content for websites, blogs, and social channels.

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